Thursday, January 21

Tigera's Journal #112 - Lazy Tiger

is too lazy to make a new blogskin for now.

Q: What am I up to?
A: I'm enjoying life.

I wake up in the morning. I feed my Dals. I go online and check my messages. I draw, I paint, I laugh in forums, I chat with friends. I've suppose that this is the last holiday in my life where I can, well, just laze around. Without worries. Without wondering what assignment I've missed. Without wondering if I've paid the bills.

After the results come out I'll go to Uni.

After I go to Uni I'll get a job.

After I get a job, (If I last long enough lol) I'll retire.

After I retire, I'll die.

FFFFF, some future to look forward to.
I'll just plod along and enjoy the moment.

As for now, I'll just finish coloring that damn train.

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