Sunday, January 20

A Gamer's Rant #3

Has anyone realized the sudden increase of MMORPG's that have come out lately? In 2007, over 20 different MMORPG's were released, like SEAL online, Manga Fighter, Lunia Online, Fiesta, GrandChase... Don't they get bored? What is up with all the sudden Japanese-Anime style Online games???

Since there's so many, you'd have thought you could never grow bored. But they're all the SAME. They're all YAASMMORPG (Yet Another Anime Style Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) It's not to say they're bad..It's just so repetitive.

Some games are actualy fun, if you've never played an 3D MMORPG in your life, or you didn't ride the wave of FlyFF. Examples of obvious similarities:

  • Seal Online
    -An interesting 3d RPG with combos and evolveble pets. The fun kinda stops there. Good potential though, the game was newly released. It'll be more fun when the second job upgrades come out.

  • Holic
    ...Yet another Anime-wannabe RPG. It's rather interesting at first, (you get to use all jobs on a single character) with relatively good graphics. Another Brand-Sparkling new game, so future updates should help it a lot.
Yes, SEAL and Holic are fun. But they're all the same. All MMORPGs are the same. You kill monsters to get stronger, so you can kill stronger monsters, so you can get EVEN stronger, to kill EVEN stronger monsters, and so on. At least put something in to distract us (e.g. Quests) or at least make it more fun than endless mind-numbing grinding.

Then again, there are adventurous companies that try to make "original" games. They ARE fun, eg Maple, before the little kiddies ruined it, and GrandChase (I couldnt post a screenie..), where leveling and grinding dont really play a big role. (*edit* Maple revolves around grinding. It's a huge grindfest which is infested with little kiddies and hackers. Pardon me for any mistakes I might have made earlier. Why do you think so many people quit Maple?)
  • MapleStory
    ...A perfect example of why 9-year-olds should be banned from online gaming. Thank you for ruining Maple you immature kiddies/Singaporeans with "wonderful" English and communication skills. I am not being biased. Singaporean gamers are notorious worldwide for being unpleasant gamers.

  • Manga Fighter
    I personaly have never tried this myself (I suck at FPS) It does look kinda intersting, (GUNZ anime-ed?)
And then, there are the downright ridiculous. If you have played Ragnarok Online, look at the following screenies. Look familiar?
  • Lunia
    I like 2-D games. I might try this one day. Lol.

  • Secret of the Solstice(Zomg what a name...)
    ....No matter how I look at this game, it just looks like an RO rip off. Still, I'd play it out of boredom anyway.

Conclusion? This blatant Anime-Recycled MMORPG's have just gotta stop. They are too many of em, and I swear half of them are deserted.

*Note: I'm feeling too tired now to put up anything on those uber-cool looking MMORPGs like Lineage II, World of Warcraft, Rakion, and so on. The eye candy is great, but the grinding is considerably harder. (The eye candy might make up for the insane grinding though...*u*) I might put up more if I feel up to it later.*


My love for Trickster online and my Bunny still holds strong.

Trickster rules. Oh yea~ The only game I've found where the grinding is well disguised. ...Or maybe I just haven't reached the uber-high levels yet.

*Disclaimer. All the MMORPG mentioned above do NOT belong to me. They belong to whoever created them. All credit goes to their creators for creating addictive games that will suck up hundreds of hours of other peoples lives. Same goes to the screenshots, and any other picture here. Except the Maple Screenie. That one's mine. xD*

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